Report Energy Crime. 100% anonymously.

Help keep your family and community safe. Use the easy to fill in form below.
All the information you give is completely confidential.

DISCLAIMER: The Stay Energy Safe Service can only take information on energy theft and meter tampering. Please ONLY report if you suspect that this is happening.

We are not able to assist with calls regarding changing supplier, bills, cheaper electricity or gas quotes, meter faults, meter readings, topping up pay as you go, new meters, requesting a smart meter, boilers, power cuts, or car charging. If you need help with any of these, please contact your energy supplier.

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By submitting this form you confirm that the incident does not require the urgent attention of the emergency services

Report details of energy crime

1.So that we can keep people safe, please provide the full address of where energy theft is taking place

2. Is this a business or residential property?

3. Name of the suspected individual/s and/or company committing the theft

4. Do you know whether the energy theft relates to gas, electricity or both?

Additional Details

5. Do you know how the energy theft is being committed? Please give as much information as possible, e.g. any other comments that will
support the investigation. Please do not give your contact details, as this service ensures you remain anonymous.

6. Please tell us how you heard about this service to help us know the best way to raise awareness of it

I confirm that this form is not being used to report something that needs the urgent attention of the emergency services